
Crochet roll test file, I was amazed

Hello everyone, I have something a little different  for you today. It’s a long one so grab a coffee and let’s go.

I was thrilled to be asked to test this file for a crochet hook roll  by Liz the owner of Unique Sew Sweet a wonderful website full of fabulous designs ready to stitch out on your embroidery machine  in the hoop. Based in the UK this shop is a machine embroidery enthusiast’s dream, as it has loads of designs which are different from the run of the mill designs  but what made it especially great to me, are the instructions which are so full of all the details you need especially for someone very new to in the hoop projects. The ones I’ve completed so far have all  turned out so well, I could hardly believe that I actually created them.

So here’s the crochet roll completed in my 6×10 hoop link to where you can purchase the project Unique Sew Sweet


Look at all that wonderful detail

So it takes two hooping but brings the two together seamlessly, it has beautiful edging combining satin stitch with a running stitch  to give an unusual finish. Two  of the features I particularly like are  the beautiful flower design which runs in two lines forming a pretty border, and the gorgeous quilting on the flap.

I  had so much fun creating this and having such clear instructions with photos and information what to do, has built my confidence to tackle other in the hoop designs. I thoroughly recommend the designs from Unique Sew Sweet . Here are a few more I’ve purchased and stitched out and I have others waiting their turn, which I will share once complete.

So a notebook cover


A pen /nail file holder, I chose to stitch it with the flap closing but you get two designs, the other is open topped.

A glasses holder


And lastly a second crochet roll using the same material as above.



Come back soon as I share more crafting projects.

hugs Debs xx

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